
Infrastructure Socio Political Risks Assessment

Port facilities and related infrastructure should be understood as complex, dynamic systems. Effectively assessing risks and threats that may endanger the operations must be seen as a strategic necessity.

Intelligence-led Strategies

Strategizing is both science and art, for it requires imagination, complex thinking capabilities and the ability to grasp the evolving nature of operational environments. We help you design and implement strategies that are intelligence-based in nature.

Navigation Route Assessment

Sea Lines of Communication (SLOCs) are key to the world’s economic prosperity. Keeping them secure and stable is a shared responsibility both by governments and the private industry. We assess the security conditions present on the seas and design preventive security measures that guarantee your operation’s security.

Protective Security Measures

Getting the right people to protect sea-related facilities is no easy task. We help your organization to find the best solution when it comes to protective security (personnel, infrastructure and information).

ISPS – Code Compliance

The International Ship and Port Security Code was designed to better protect our port facilities and ships from a myriad of threats and risks. Effectively implementing the Code is a must-do activity that should be undertaken as a basic step by decision makers in the field.

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